Saturday, July 01, 2006

Canada Day 2006

Today was Canada Day. There were a myriad of activities, so I'm going to stick with some highlights. And possibly so funny little stories.

We all met for a Magic show. The guy doing the show was not dressed for 30 degree weather in his black suit. I was waiting for his final trick where he would explode and rain baked meat all over the crowd. Actually he was pretty entertaining, although his tricks were rather obvious. In particular his levitation was terribly cheesy.

There was some intense Frisbee action going on. Eden tried to catch a Frisbee with his teeth and nearly took off his jaw. Erin and I sucked at the floating disk... My excuse is poor hand-eye coordination.

To cool off Erin, Julia, and I went to check out the fountains. There was a foot bridge that had roughly 2 inches clearance above the water of the fountain. Naturally I saw that as a challenge and swam under it. It was quite a tight squeeze for me considering the water was so shallow. I had just enough room to clear the bridge. Also in the fountains, I "tripped" several times and splashed enough water up to soak Erin and Julia. They were not pleased.

Some stoners came by and Eden performed magic tricks for them. They would have been impressed if he had shuffled the cards, but he did some pretty amazing stuff. I always try to see how he does it, but I was left in the dust for this. Another magician also tried to beat him, but Eden pulled out some crazy magic!

Later on Kathy and I had a nap. It should be noted for the official record that this was nothing more than Kathy judging me to be the best pillow around. Nothing was meant by it (Paolo seems to think otherwise). Regardless of this being completely innocent, Paolo took some pictures which we posed provocatively for... Wait until Andy sees them. Haha.

As usual the waterfall was unimpressive.

The fireworks display looked like a series of nuclear weapons. There were distinct mushroom clouds.


I was fearing the beginning of World War III when I saw these pictures.

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