Monday, June 19, 2006

Avast ye School

The best prank EVER was pulled off by Eden and me. We replaced the Canadian flag at out high school with a Pirate flag. It flew all weekend, but was taken down by today. We have only told a few people that it was us, and they all think that it is hilarious (including one teacher).

It all started several weeks ago when Eden decided we should do something awesome to finish off the year. Originally it was supposed to coincide with grad night, but that didn't work out. Eden was the brains, coming up with the original idea. I was the brawn, climbing partially up a flagpole and cutting the lock (an extremely difficult task). Andy was the rich anonymous billionaire who funded us (bought the pirate flag). Kathy was the eye-candy.


There were several difficulties, but we eventually got the flag up. Then Andy and Kathy came to inspect our work. We had some McDonald's ice cream to celebrate.

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