Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Definition of Emo

A few days ago I jokingly put Miriam's picture up on wikipedia on the Emo article. Of course the moderators took it down quite rapidly, but I wasn't discouraged. I have created a mirror of the site with modifications.

There is also a large (1680 x 1877, 1.6mb) image of the original page that was made by stitching two screen captures together with photoshop.

Miriam has since blocked me on Msn and I have not talked to or seen her. I'm not sure exactly why I was blocked, but I have a pretty good idea...

Monday, September 25, 2006

Intense Police Action!

Tonight was a little weird as I found a bunch of cop cars outside my house at 11pm. After counting what vechiles I could see, the totals are 9 police cars, 1 albulance, 1 firetruck, and 1 fire rescue truck. Considering how close they were together in strategic locations, I wouldn't be surprised if there were additional roadblocks set up nearby.

It all started with 5 cop cars showing up. They looked like they were just securing the area. Then once they started searching for the guy (my neibor), the other vechiles showed up to assist. More just kept coming. There was even a canine unit which conducted a thorough search of the alley and the area surrounding my neibor's house.

After the police had all arrived, the EMS and Fire departments were called in. The firefighters were all decked out with heavy gear and ready to go. They ran out heavy hoses (probably just a precaution, but for what...?). Finally the situation was resolved with my neibor being arrested.

This guy is a complete asshole, and probably deserves what he is getting. He drinks heavily, smokes, yells at his kids all the time, and is pretty violent. He was having marriage problems (guess why), and out of frustration he completely trashed his GMC Jimmy. This guy is a hazard when he and his mechanic friends test their handiwork by driving cars down the alley at 60 or 70 km/h... IN REVERSE! The worst thing was when his dog bit another neibor and he didn't do a thing. No appology. The dog can get out of his yard, but still isn't tied up.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Snakes on a Blog

Eden and I saw snakes on a plane in the theatre yesterday. It was SO GREAT!!!

We showed up pretty early so that I could eat (3 jr. whoppers because the guy just ASSUMED I wanted jr. ones). Then I had a large pop. Once I was finished, I used the cup to camoflage a large coffee and we went into the movie.

It started off kinda slow, but picked up the pace at a steady rate. Throw in some peril, nudity, and Sam Jackson quotes (SPORKS?!?!) to top it off, and you have a really decent movie.

One line of Samuel L Jackson's was worth the $11 by itself. "That's it! I HAVE HAD IT WITH THESE MOTHERFUCKIN' SNAKES ON THIS MOTHERFUCKIN' PLANE!!"

He them procedes to shoot out two windows to suck most of the remaining snakes out into certain oblivion...

Great movie. Watch it. Enjoy it.

After the movie I got another large pop (free refill). Eden and I went over to Miriam's house and saw her sister+boyfriend from the great white north. I was literally vibrating from the massive ammounts of caffine surging through my bloodstream.

After getting everyone home, I rushed to my house to use the bathroom. Two large pops and a large coffee (in addition to the 3L of water I drank at work) earn me the bladder rating: Camel.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Sober at the Druid?

Kathy and I met Erin and Kristin at A Taste of Edmonton tonight. We had some really good cedar plank salmon, and then waited in line for some green onion cakes. I had a bunch of hot sauce on mine to train up for Andy's return from Europe tomorrow. So, after a few bites to eat, Kassia and Miriam showed up. They were just in time for desert too. Kathy and I both had this mocha ice cream thing. It was pretty good, but frozen solid. To finish off my tickets I got Erin a chocolate dipped strawberry. We sat and listened to a live band for a while. To my delight they played Little Bones by The Tragically Hip. There were a few people making fools of themselves by dancing, but we settled for singing along. Erin and Kristin tried to push me into a fountain, but they didn't count on me reacting by bracing my leg and arm on a ledge. Kristin has a playful side that I really like.

After Kassia and Miriam departed, I drove the remaining people to the Druid where they made fools of themselves. Erin insisted that I dance, and it took her quite some time to convince me. Actually it was Kathy threatening me with "Gay Points" that got me on the dance floor. There were two bachelorette parties happening, one of which consisted of sitting and drinking while the other was much more lively. The bride to be was wearing an extremely minimalistic dress covered in a candy bra. I was contemplating the ettiquite regarding eating that candy...

Erin called me beefcake some more, which was annoying considering I was sober. There is some fun to be had while being the designated driver, but I would have preferred to be on the other side of things.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Grant Mac Pool

Tonight I had a really fun time swimming at the Grant MacEwan pool with Erin and Kristin. I had some free passes (although I probably didn't need them... I'll explain later). So we met at my house at 6:30, but the pool was booked until 8:30 so we had to kill some time. We tried to go to a Taste of Edmonton, but I couldn't find anywhere to park. Instead we went to a starbucks for a while.

There are no starbucks anywhere near where Kirstin lives. The closest two are in Berlin (a 2 hour drive).

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Tonight Kathleen, Erin, Erin's german friend Kristin, and I went barhopping on Whyte Ave.

We started at Monkey Island, where we had extremely weak drinks. This in combination with the lack of other people caused us to lose interest in the bar. Our next stop was the One on Whyte. It too was empty, and certainly did not live up to my expectations.

Our third stop was a much better choice. The Underdog pub (the basement of the Black Dog) was mildly entertaining. Upstairs a live band was setting up, but there was no where to sit. The Underdog had a good couch and a social bartender (although he was new and couldn't make barely anything). After a few drinks they started playing a really old zombie movie (the bartender informed me that it was the "godfather" of all zombie movies).

Our final stop was at the Funky Budda. Erin kept calling me "Beefcake", which I am not sure what to think about. I think it was related to her comment that I must look intimidating to other people as we were walking around.

On the way home I covered Kathy's eyes on the whitemud, and (useing her window controls because she knows to lock mine out) I opened her window and stuck my hand out, refusing to move it even when she started to close the window.

Once I was home I was going down the stairs and didn't duck soon enough. I hit the ceiling with enough force to cause blood to get in my eye (a weird feeling, I assure you).

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Ads? ADS?? We don't NEED no stinkin' ads!!

I was most shocked to see the other day what Google AdSense was displaying for my blog. The top two ads were "Lowest Prices on Alcohol", and "You can quit with our help - Addiction Hypnosis". As such all ads have been removed.

My rationale for having ads in the first place was that if they started generating revenue that would rock, but since they were doing absolutely nothing... No loss anyway. As a benefit, the blog loads faster now. That'll make it less annoying I hope.

I don't get enough traffic for ads to generate revenue, so tell your friends about my blog! Start an internet revolution!!

Monday, July 10, 2006

The Blog Hiatus

Some of you may have noticed a 2 month gap in the blog entries. No, you are not losing your mind. I was very busy! But still, my last blog entry was on May 17th. Almost two whole months ago.

I attribute my break to blog burnout (like athlete's foot, but with keyboarding). The only people who actually complained were Miriam and Greg. I was cleaning up my inbox yesterday when I happened upon emails of protest over the abrupt end of my blog. They have motivated me sufficiently (for the time being) to continue.

While Miriam and Greg have been a source of motivation, Eden has been the opposite. He does not think very highly of this blog (a fact he never fails to announce). In spite of this I will try to provide what little entertainment I can.

So, in recompense for the last two blog-less months, I will be reconstructing my life painstakingly and posting reasonable facimilies of what I would have written. I will try to be thorough, and this may take some time, but I am confident it can be done.

**Note: It is now November 19th, and I have finished catching up. All the notable events in my life have been reduced to plain text with the occasional picture.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Devil Wears WHAT??

Since Andy and Ben are off gallivanting in Europe, I have taken it upon myself to keep Erin and Kathy occupied. The theory is that they won't have time to think about how much they miss their boyfriends.

On the "keeping Kathy busy" front, I went to a movie with her, Adam, and Chelsey yesterday. It was "The Devil Wears Prada", and nobody told me that Prada is some sort of fashion brand. It was a really horrible movie, but I feigned interest so Kathy wouldn't feel bad.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Canada Day 2006

Today was Canada Day. There were a myriad of activities, so I'm going to stick with some highlights. And possibly so funny little stories.

We all met for a Magic show. The guy doing the show was not dressed for 30 degree weather in his black suit. I was waiting for his final trick where he would explode and rain baked meat all over the crowd. Actually he was pretty entertaining, although his tricks were rather obvious. In particular his levitation was terribly cheesy.

There was some intense Frisbee action going on. Eden tried to catch a Frisbee with his teeth and nearly took off his jaw. Erin and I sucked at the floating disk... My excuse is poor hand-eye coordination.

To cool off Erin, Julia, and I went to check out the fountains. There was a foot bridge that had roughly 2 inches clearance above the water of the fountain. Naturally I saw that as a challenge and swam under it. It was quite a tight squeeze for me considering the water was so shallow. I had just enough room to clear the bridge. Also in the fountains, I "tripped" several times and splashed enough water up to soak Erin and Julia. They were not pleased.

Some stoners came by and Eden performed magic tricks for them. They would have been impressed if he had shuffled the cards, but he did some pretty amazing stuff. I always try to see how he does it, but I was left in the dust for this. Another magician also tried to beat him, but Eden pulled out some crazy magic!

Later on Kathy and I had a nap. It should be noted for the official record that this was nothing more than Kathy judging me to be the best pillow around. Nothing was meant by it (Paolo seems to think otherwise). Regardless of this being completely innocent, Paolo took some pictures which we posed provocatively for... Wait until Andy sees them. Haha.

As usual the waterfall was unimpressive.

The fireworks display looked like a series of nuclear weapons. There were distinct mushroom clouds.


I was fearing the beginning of World War III when I saw these pictures.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Marathon Week

The past week has been filled with alcohol in every conceivable way. Marathon week is 7 days of solid drinking. Andy almost completed the full marathon with the exception of the last day. This is what I've been up to all week;

Sunday (18th) - Watched Trainspotting II and drank at Miriam's.

Monday (19th) - Hung over for Math 30 diploma... Went to Andy's house for the pool/drinking.

Tuesday (20th) - Went to the Beerhunter with Andy and Kathy.

Wednesday (21st) - Adam's 18th birthday! After going to the Comic Strip, we went to the Beerhunter and had hot wings (as hot as they would make them).

Thursday (22nd) - Back to the Beerhunter with Adam, Andy, and Kathy.

Friday (23rd) - Played halo and watched Viva La Bam with Andy and Adam. Moderate drinking.

Saturday (24th) - Went to Miriam's house and had a beer to finish out the 7 days.

Andy and I should make a tradition out of this, and do it annually.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Avast ye School

The best prank EVER was pulled off by Eden and me. We replaced the Canadian flag at out high school with a Pirate flag. It flew all weekend, but was taken down by today. We have only told a few people that it was us, and they all think that it is hilarious (including one teacher).

It all started several weeks ago when Eden decided we should do something awesome to finish off the year. Originally it was supposed to coincide with grad night, but that didn't work out. Eden was the brains, coming up with the original idea. I was the brawn, climbing partially up a flagpole and cutting the lock (an extremely difficult task). Andy was the rich anonymous billionaire who funded us (bought the pirate flag). Kathy was the eye-candy.


There were several difficulties, but we eventually got the flag up. Then Andy and Kathy came to inspect our work. We had some McDonald's ice cream to celebrate.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Bioware! Awesome!

Today Bill Lomax (my ComSci teacher) took our class on a tour of the Bioware building. We saw the perks of working there including a full games room. They have so much neat stuff going on there right now. For instance they are working on a game called Mass Effect, which is going to completely blow me away. I must own it the instant it comes out!

I took this picture on my phone with some of their awards. I apologise for the crappy quality of the photo, and it is a product of the crappy camera phone and crappy lighting.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Kids With Cancer (Not me)

Today Kathleen and I each ran 5km legs in a charity relay for Cancer research. It was quite difficult for me because I am not used to running all that much, and swimming doesn't require me to life my own weight. Regardless I just ran full tilt the whole way. I even caught up to and passed Kathy. She had a 5 minute headstart, but I have long legs and an ego that would be severely bruised if I let a girl beat me (even with a headstart).

The reason I did this is because my mother's friend's husband lost his son to cancer. He is really involved with this race, and every year he organizes 2 teams.

These pictures aren't the most flattering, but you have to remember that we're athletic and this is what athletes look like. Props to Kathy for doing this with me (quite well I might add).

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Hannah's Party

Yesterday there was a party at Hannah's house. Miriam, Kathleen, Andy, and I went over and started watching Clone High. We had a few Prarie-Fires (equal parts tobasco and tequila), but Hannah couldn't take the heat. We also took those crazy blowjob shots, and I had some mocha ice cream with kahlua.

I played several games of chess. Andy is a chess machine when he isn't drinking. He showed me a way to get checkmate in 4 moves, but I promptly forgot it. We watched The 40 Year Old Virgin, although with limited interest.

I'm really not sure what's happening between myself and Hannah. She needs to make up her mind and figure a few things out before anything can happen.

Today I went "couching" at The Brick. Couching is when you pretent you're shopping for couches just to go sit in all of them and relax. It can be very enjoyable if you bring someone interesting along.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Grad Banquet/Hotel

Last night was the grad banquet, and an insanely fun time. There was drinking, canoodling (yet another euphamism for sex), partying, and good food.

After correcting Hannah's wardrobe malfunction and dropping off alcohol in the hotel room, we went to the Ledgislature to take pictures. There were many good ones, and a few silly ones. There was a picture of Andy and Kathy lifting up their skirts (a kilt is still a skirt), a picture of Eden, Erin, and I stroking our "beards", and a picture of the group with me lying seductively above and behind everyone on a ledge.

When we got to the banquet (after more pictures) we all sat down in our pre-determined places except for paolo and I. We switched so that I could sit next to Hannah who was my grad date. The food was really good, and we ate stuffed breaded chicken, mashed potatoes, an odd salad-like substance, mixed vegetables, Bakes Alaska cake for desert, and a really good strawberry-kiwi fruit punch. Being a beast, I had the equivalent of 4 plates of food, 3 deserts, and 3 pitchers of punch. I fear no cooties from anyone (even those I had never met before). There were some good speeches (Mr. Peterson's speech made a few people cry), some bad ones (a mother and daughter tried desperately to be funny... and failed), and some great music. The Clap performed two songs (suffering from a lack of a sound check), and despite the volume problems, were kick-ass. Following a dance we all raced (quite literally) to the hotel.

In the hotel we quickly scrambled into normal clothing. Eden put on Erin's hair extensions and they posed together in a mirror image. We also went in the hot tub until my skin all came off and floated to the surface. Eden got in the hot tub by squeezing into Erin's gold sparkly bikini bottom. He also drew on Ben's bellybutton, my leg, and his chest. After a while Erin and Ben went off for sex, leaving the rest of us alone. Eden then made a series of beer bottles into a musical instrument and played songs. First blood was drawn when I stole Eden's glasses. He attempted to twist my foot off in some wrestling move I had never seen before. I'm sure that I could have broken free, but not without severely hurting him (I still had the sense to know that I had started it by stealing the glasses). After that, Hannah and I laid together and napped in various positions throughout the room.

The next morning after cleaning up and waking the sex fiends (with some difficulty), we went to McDonalds to eat. There were several candid shots taken of the aftermath of heavy drinking and little (none in Eden's case) sleep.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Yesterday was the longest commencement ceremony possible. I had no idea half these people were smart enough to graduate.

It all started with my Dad and Stepmom Leigha taking me to the keg in my grad suit. I felt silly and overdressed, but wine took care of that. I got a few ackward talks from my Dad concerning alcohol and sex. Again the wine helped me through...

After some really good food, we drove to the Jubilee auditorium. The first thing I did was lose the card telling me the order I'm supposed to be in. An idiot thing to do, but I was nervous. I don't know why. I assume the alcohol had worn off.

We marched in, took seats and then sat through the longest ceremony possible. There were performances by Mr. Postle's musical students (he was WAY too enthusiastic in the way he flailed his arms). Interspersed with the musical distractions and lengthy speeches (some good, some without a point), the alphagroups were marched out in order to recieve a mock diploma, a few handshakes, and a pin. People were acting retarded for their pictures, and I'm sure there will be a few displeased parrents.

One thing about the commencement that really creeped me out was how Mr. Peterson just took one look at me, at put his hand to my midsection in the precise spot where my flask was. With the volume of clothing I was wearing, there was no way he could has seen an outline, so this leads me to believe he is either psychic or has X-ray vision. I still have no idea how he did that...

When it was finally over, we all met up at a Denny's. Sadly it was the only thing open that late at night that we could all go to. I drank 4 beers (which I had no idea were even served at Denny's) which went straight to my head. I hadn't eaten for 6 hours at this point.

After giving thoroughly nautical directions, Adam drove me home.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Grad Shoe Fiasco

This is the story of the past couple days. I needed grad shoes, but ended up going shopping 5 freaking times!! Where I would be content to go find a good pair and buy them, my Mom insists that this be the most unpleasant and painful experience possible. We have spent many hours trying on shoes that she selects (all her taste is in her mouth). Perhaps I am being on the picky side, but I'd like the shoes to look good and be comfortable. She keeps having me try on rediculous shoes that look horrendous. It seems that every time I go with my friends, we find a good pair in no time at all, but when I try to get my mom in to buy them, she picks them apart (invariably claiming they are the ugliest shoes she has ever seen).

So after much pain and suffering (I react poorly to both my mother and shopping), I forced her to buy a pair that everyone tells me look great (the word "everyone" obviously excluding her). I had to agree to pay for half to finally get her to buy them, after she said that my grad outfit was her grad present to me. A few days later she finally admitted that the shoes look really good. So here I am. Clothed. Shoed. Ready to rock.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Toga Party

I had never been to a toga party until today. As far as I can tell, we wore togas only to satisfy some deep-rooted desire of Erin's to see us all closer to naked. Other than Ben being able to display a sun drawn (by Eden of course) on his nipple, the togas were pointless.

Moving right on, the food was really good. Kathleen ended up making the food for her own party, but that certainly beats any alternative. We ALMOST swam in Andy's pool, but he insisted it was too cold (I was willing to risk it). Later Paolo and I had insanity sauce (you have to sign a waiver to buy this hot sauce).

It was all really fun, and afterward Miriam and I went to Hannah's house to keep her company as she attempted to control the evil children from hell. I suppose that deserves further explaination. Hannah was babysitting two small girls, one of whom was posessed by the devil and was remarkably violent. Highlights include playing the American Idol board game (I sang a Britney Spears song with an intro of 24 consecutive "yeah"s). I ended up functioning as a pillow for Hannah as we watched tv, so I think the night went well.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Cook County

Tonight Erin, Kathleen, Hannah, Andy, and I went to a bar off Whyte Ave called Cook County. It is a definite country bar, complete with a mechanical bull (although it was out of comission). Although Erin left too early, it was really fun. I "danced" with Hannah after considerable persuasion. When I say "danced", I mean I was imitating a seizure. In addition to that, I tried to throw in dance moves from the jive, the two step, and anything else I could remember to give the impression that I was leading.

When Andy and Kathleen left, Hannah and I had to get a ride home with a guy she knew. It was weird that as soon as she called him, he just walked up to us on the street. This leads me to believe she has a stalker. Creepy.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Kathleen's 18th Birthday

Today is Kathleen's 18th birthday. My list of eligable drinking buddies is getting longer by the day!

I'm really excited to go to a bar with Kathleen because she says she can teach me the right way to pick up chicks. Talk about insider knowledge.

Tomorrow there is a joint Erin/Kathleen birthday extravaganza. Their birthdays are so close that it would be pointless to throw two parties.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Pimp Suit

I picked up my suit yesterday, and it's very brown. Far more brown than I expected. I had the impression that it would be a darker color, but it was brown and brown alone.

It should still look pretty good, but it's definitely not what I expected.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Golden Triangle (part 2)

Wow Sunburn!!! Wow Farmers Tan!!! Wow in general!!!

Biking was so amazingly awesome! I have to do it again next year!! Not only did I keep up, I beat many veterans with amazingly inferior equipment. I'm really sore and burnt, but proud of myself.

So on to the sunburn part. The top of my arms and legs are completely burnt. Think lobster, except 50 lobsters. There are second degree burns on my nose as well. The best part of this is that my bike jersey didn't move at all on my arms, so my farmers tan is very apparent. Saying that it is clearly defined is an enormous understatement.

My muscles were forced to develop on this trip. A muscle I wasn't aware existed is now protruding from the side of my leg. I'm probably going to be sore for a few days.

The best parts were the resturant in Radium - a waiter wore leiderhosen, the yank driving the support vechile - amazingly awesome guy, and most of all the giant hill down into Castle Mountain Junction - I was passing cars!!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Golden Triangle

Ok so I'm super hyped up for this weekend. I'm going to the mountains for a road biking trip called the reverse golden triangle (reversed so we aren't in huge packs of cyclists all the time). It's about 110km of biking each day (less than 4 hours). There are three legs of the trip that form a triangle. We start near Castle Mountain Junction where the cars will be parked, and travel to Golden, then Radium, and finally back to complete the loop. Each night we will be staying in utter dives of motels.

I'm really excited for this trip. This will be my first time on a road bike, and I hope I enjoy it and am able to keep up. These people are really athletic, and they practice road biking to the max.

My uncle's friend will be loaning me a hybrid bike (not a true roadbike, due mostly to additional weight). In addition to not having a true roadbike, I won't have barely any of the right equipment. I don't have clip in peddles (they allow you to push the peddles down as well as pull them up), meaning I'll have roughly 60% of the thrust and will only probably be over-using one muscle group. Also: people normally don't wear board shorts on a bike, but they're all I've got.

On a sad note, it really sucks that I'm going to miss Erin's 18th birthday party/drinking. Of all the people I could have to cancel on... it just had to be Erin. I hope she has a super blast of a time and I'm really sad that I'll miss this.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

My contract hath expired

There was this deal I made many days ago. It involved me not drinking for 17 days. This all started when my friends went on guitar tour. Since my group of usual friends was suddenly reduced to Eden and Eden alone, it was pretty lonely and boring (The only interaction being numerous games of checkers) . Naturally I began drinking.

I phoned the people in BC every night, and it didn't take them long to figure out about my drinking. They made me promise (three times) that I wouldn't drink until Erin's 18th Birthday, the 17th of May. 17 Days without alcohol. Good grief.

I renegotiated this contract for a party, but other than that have kept true to my word. The reason I'm writing this is that my contract has just expired. So with grace and clarity, I return to drinking status.

So Erin, I'm getting drunk tonight with or without you. I would prefer it if you would come, and not be lame.

Also: Happy Birthday...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Impossible Dream

There is a girl in my school who is amazingly pretty. In fact she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in real life. She looks amazing, and the way she dresses compliments this. There is nothing about her that I dislike.

Tragically she is way out of my league, and has a boyfriend. I would love to take her to grad, but I can't. She doesn't even know how I feel.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Ask me about Loom...

Back in the mid to late 90s there was a now dead genre of computer games called Adventure Games. They featured puzzles and interesting story lines, and had some of the best humor ever presented in games. My favorites were the Monkey Island series made by LucasArts.

The humor (being the best part of these games) was often slapstick or just intended to be so blatantly lame that it became funny somehow. The character Guybrush (in development before he had a name his sprite was named guy.brush where .brush was the filetype used) often says things in conversation such as "I'm selling these fine leather jackets...". There are also numerous references to other things from pop culture. The characters Sam & Max make appearances in all 4 monkey island games. Stan's previously owned ship emporium is run by a man who is an overstereotyped used car salesman. He trys to sell you a ship with "Porthole defrosters" and Rack and Pinion steering.

As an example of how far these people would go for a laugh, I have captured some images from The Secret of Monkey Island in which you can ask one of the pirates in a bar about another game that was in production and he goes into a big advertising rant. This is by no means the best humor, but it was late and I didn't feel like playing any further into the game.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

C++ vs. THE EVIL ONE (Java... Coffee...)

The story of the battles between Java and C++ is not for the faint of heart. Both are bitter enemies with vast arsenals of code. The difference is that java was made neither for nor by humans.

It was a dark and stormy night. All the woodland animals had retreated to their various burrows for shelter. Evil was brewing. Brewing in a coffee pot. In the midst of a thicket, a lone coffee machine wasn't watching its back. With a great crash, three witches appeared and loaded all manner of evil ingredients into the coffee pot. Lightning struck the cord to power the infernal creation. When the smoke had subsided, all that remained was an evil code in an evil crater in an evil wood in an evil array.

And so the foul birth of java was complete. All the land sent the most powerful wizards to combat this evil development, but alas its code prevailed. Each time java defeated a wizard, it grew more dominant as it absorbed their magic. In fact it grew so intimidating that applets rotted and fell from the trees as it passed. As its dark energy became more potent all the people of the land feared it would one day compile and lay waste to their world. It would execute them all...

Meanwhile three wise men spied a crescent-star (C) in the night sky and traveled from afar to endow it with gifts. After a treacherous journey involving great hardship, they arrived in a town from which the "C" appeared directly above. They began a search function and located a newborn C with exceptional power. Two of the wise men gave magical gifts which incremented the newborn C's power (C++). The final wiseman gave all his wisdom incarnate into bytecode. Also they gave the C++ some gold, which it had no use for. He distributed this to the needy people in the most philanthropic way.

Throughout the childhood of C++, the third wiseman, Todd, took it upon himself to mentor little C++, and train him for the inevitable battle against Java. Todd instructed C++ in combat and h4Xx0r1Ng for twelve long years. C++ began to doubt if he was actually the chosen one. To this, Todd replied that "Java exists in a system with rules. Some of those rules can be bent, others can be broken." C++ learned that Java was restricted by the limitations of a virtual machine, and could therefore never be as strong or as fast as he could be.

Java is guarding all the doors, and is holding all the keys which means that sooner or later, someone is going to have to fight him.

The day was clear, but breezySwing. C++ and Java were ready to face off. C++ was still thinking about what Todd had told him an hour earlier. "Don't think you are, know you are." Java struck first, dealing a devastating blow. C++ got up, cleared his head, and counter-attacked. This hit was deflected by Java, who dealt another massive blow to C++. Just when everyone thought C++ was down and out, he came back with a surprising attack. This attack caused Java to become unstable and before it could steady itself, C++ opened Java's GUI and modified its source. Java weakened momentarily and was about to recover when C++ revealed it added a try-catch. Java's eyes lit with fear. "NOOOOOO..." Darth Vader Java screamed, which was interrupted as an exception was thrown. RuntimeException!!

The moral: Never mix caffeine and java.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

What to do with a sticker?

With my Xbox I recieved a white square sticker (about one finger length on each side) with the Xbox 360 icon and "XBOX" written at the bottom. The problem I am having is that I don't know where an appropriate place to put it would be. Email me some suggestions (preferably humorous if you can think of any good ideas) and I'll post a picture of the best idea.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Xbox 360

Today I purchased an Xbox 360 and am super hyped. You may not hear from me for a while...

With the xbox I got a 1 year subscription to xbox live. Below is my gamertag if anyone cares.

So far all my attempts to put this gamertag in the sidebar of this blog have failed. If anyone knows how that would be helpful.