Friday, November 25, 2005

First Place? Heck Yes!

Every year since grade 10 I've competed in the Skills Canada Cardboard Boar Race. My school usually has 2 or 3 teams of four. The team I'm on always uses a design in which we build two boats and connect them. This design has served us well. In grade 10 we were in second place overall. Last year we ran into some technical problems and slipped to 6th place. This year we were all veteran boat engineers and built the boat with plenty of time to spare. The quality also was greatly improved as was our strategy.

We crossed the pool in 25.5 seconds for the speed competition, and held all four group members (660 pounds) for the required 2 minutes in the weight competition. Previously we had only attempted to put 2 people in the boat for the weight competition.

Many factors came together very well this year. If you'll excuse me, Andrea, Steph, Mike and I now have some bragging to do.

Let us celebrate our victory with the adding of chocolate to milk.

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