Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The Asshats at Apple

My first iPod was broken before I got it all the way out of the box. So I had it replaced. The problem was, they didn't transfer over my warrenty to the new serial number.

When it broke again, they told me I had to send them money to ship it back for servicing. It was within 6 months of the original warrenty, but they would hear nothing of it. They gave me the slip saying I needed to PROVE when it was purchased.

I got the credit card statement, but that wasn't enough. So I got compusmart to fax me the invoice. By this time it was more than 6 months from the original date of purchase, so I had to pay anyway.

Due to this kind of horrible service, I will never buy an apple product again. I hope you do the same.

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