Thursday, March 03, 2011

Mardi Gras

This is the proposed schedule for our trip to New Orleans.

Arrive. Amateur Titties. Drink. Strippers/Professional Titties. Watch Derek get frustrated with strippers. Drink. House of the Rising Sun. Cigars. Wander around in a wife beater yelling "Stella!". Drink. Beat up Chinese exchange students.

Beignets. Drink. Call Henderson and mock him for not coming. Drive strippers home. Go to small town LSU. Drink. Have Avi and Gaurav go into redneck bar and ask where all the white chicks are. Have Berger go into redneck bar and ask where the gay bars are. Hang with LSU Phi's. Drink. Tell them about our lame brothers who thought it would be more fun to stay in Edmonton.

Chicory. Drink. Drive Back to NOLA. Drink. Gaurav's 21st birthday! Buy copious amounts of beads. Drink. Give away copious amounts of beads. Buy more drinks, give away pearl necklaces. Have drunk girls berate Henderson for not coming.

Find Berger. Drink. National WWII Museum. Drink. Call numbers obtained with use of beads the previous night. Drink. Harass Joe. Floats. Introduce New Orleans to the Burt Reynolds.

Quick nap. Drink. Ditch Derek to find a job in New Orleans. Pack. Reminisce about everything Kevin missed. Last cheap cigar. Lunch. Airport. Drink so getting back to Edmonton doesn't seem that bad.

I hope we survive.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Further Facebook Chat

For the most part I'm good at refraining from using my phone to call or text people after I've been drinking, however this discipline apparently does not encompass Facebook chat at 3am.

Chelsea: Was it a baconator or a donair?

Derek: yes'

Chelsea: Yes?

Derek: yes']

Chelsea: I'm confused but ok lol... I can't sleep

Derek: You should come to the show..

Chelsea: The show?

Derek: yes

Chelsea: What is the show

Derek: yup

Chelsea: Yup is not an answer to a question haha

Derek: I disagree

Chelsea: Ok to this particular question

Chelsea: What's the show?! Lol

Derek: yes

When I've been drinking, trying to chat with me on Facebook can be something like trying to have an engrossing conversation with a door knob.