Eden and I saw snakes on a plane in the theatre yesterday. It was SO GREAT!!!
We showed up pretty early so that I could eat (3 jr. whoppers because the guy just ASSUMED I wanted jr. ones). Then I had a large pop. Once I was finished, I used the cup to camoflage a large coffee and we went into the movie.
It started off kinda slow, but picked up the pace at a steady rate. Throw in some peril, nudity, and Sam Jackson quotes (SPORKS?!?!) to top it off, and you have a really decent movie.
One line of Samuel L Jackson's was worth the $11 by itself. "That's it! I HAVE HAD IT WITH THESE MOTHERFUCKIN' SNAKES ON THIS MOTHERFUCKIN' PLANE!!"
He them procedes to shoot out two windows to suck most of the remaining snakes out into certain oblivion...
Great movie. Watch it. Enjoy it.
After the movie I got another large pop (free refill). Eden and I went over to Miriam's house and saw her sister+boyfriend from the great white north. I was literally vibrating from the massive ammounts of caffine surging through my bloodstream.
After getting everyone home, I rushed to my house to use the bathroom. Two large pops and a large coffee (in addition to the 3L of water I drank at work) earn me the bladder rating: Camel.